Saturday, October 29, 2005


You see... I already made up a conclusion sometime ago that everything happens in my world is all about making choice. No one can escape it, even my friend told me, if you don't choose on something it is also a choice too. But like everything happen in this normal world, ...and because I'm not a rich guy who have all the previllage available to this world..., we should (I must...) choose on one thing and leaves the other behind. And time this process, most of the time, become a pain in the ass, because after we decide on one choice, we're stuck on it's path forever. So we tried our best, in some moment, that we choose our path carefully and wisely. It's like "heaven and hell" thingy, either we'll ended up in heaven or in hell, it's as simple as that. We cannot choose stand in between heaven and hell, or we don't the option to go both to heaven and hell.

Hmm... if the last option available imagine, a transport between heaven and hell... I wonder how much they'll charge us for one trip...or worst....a conversation that could be happened between two person in that transport.... Hi there..., Hi too....Nice to meet you (smile), nice weather huh? where do you live?.... I just happened to lived up on heaven blok 2450D, and you?... Oh... me? I just lived down there, in block 0789C, ... so can I heve your number please?

So choose wisely...

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