Monday, January 17, 2005

Am I lucky or what?

I remember when I was 7, played around an field of tall grass. Without fear, I was running around freely chasing something which really doesn't exist, the wind blow. Stupid huh? Running around like crazy catching the wind. eventually ...the one that I catch is my own breath. Well I think, my stupidity is never end, I always chase something which is really... I do not know how to say it..... When I was in junior high school, I join the computer club there with a though that "...future is about technology and information, take that and seize the opportunity..." and then I was end up as a high rank pro-gamer in that school, spending my time which supposedly I used in taking courses and additional lessons. But then suprisingly my marks still good enough to enter a prestigious high school in my home town at that time.... really lucky one. In high school I tried to built "business network" by creating friends, because My uncle told me "... you never know what going to happen to you in this live. When the bad one comes the one that will help you is your family and your closest friends so make friends with anyone as many as possible..." So I did do that, but you know what? I ended up making friends with... well I can say that nothing good I can say bout But we do have good and close relationship, except with I got rejected couples of time, nothing to be proud about. Anyway, again, when I graduated from there I got accepted to one of a prestigious Institute in the country. I never thought I would get this, am I lucky or what? (to be continue...)

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