Monday, April 18, 2005

China Vs Japan, another War?

Why Japan ask China to apologize? The Chineesee protest in their own country is it? why Japan take this seriously? Is it because Japan campaign in the UN for its proposal becoming permanent member of defense comitee?

If we looked to the scale of protest intensity which raise in several of areas in china, Japan needs to pay attention to this protest. But then again it's believed the notive is not political, pride or some crap, like becoming member of UN defense comitee. It is all about money... the business which Japan invested in China is enermous. If the protest is not taking care well, the japaneese afraid that this will expand into a bigger issue which will affect its investment furthermore its stockmarket.

If we saw from couples of month ago, the trade volume in nikkei had a steady moved, compared to the one in hangseng, hongkong which fluctuated. If somehow the protest escalating, it will affected this two big market, postive or negative, is still unknown, but it will added pressure and wild cards.

We just hope this is not escalating into some kind of "war", cause when it does the one who benefited will be Uncle SAM, with their military power, will take this matter as an issue to enter the asian.

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