Thursday, April 28, 2005

It's only a scene...

Well... I don't know why but I just wanna write this down... Two days ago I watch "passion of Christ" for the third time (I think...). It just happening taht I was so bored, then my housemate offer me his DVD. ".. I only got this... have you watch it before?.." Actually I already watch it twice before, but since I was so dang bored, "Hey! thanks man, ...No I havent watch this one, thanks again man!"

So my housemate left and then because of my recent work, rearrangeed and remake all my CV, jobs appliance and else, I forgot the DVD. I remember it later on when I tried to call my friends in Indonesia, asking how the business there (like an important investor...hihihi) and some how my oldphone got jammed (I dunno why tho... sometimes it just happen.. crap!) because of that(?).

To tell you the truth, since I am a moslem, all the storyline written in the movie was somewhat diverted from the real one (according to Holy Qur'an), but overall it had good editing sequence, good picture and angle, superb sound, and what else? Well the point I wanna say was the movie is dang good one...

And there was one scene which I always remember. The scene where the main character fall because his burden, a huge cross, in the alley, where his mother watch him from sideway, with... certain feelings (frankly... I dunno what should I used to describe her feelings...sad? love?). Then the sequence fall back to the days when the son was a child and he run down a slope steps, then fall down (I forgot how he fall... he just fall I guess... you know children, they always running around and scared the hell out of who ever become their nanny to death...I know because I've been become one). And then the mother run towards her child, caring nothing else only her child. Then she grab him, hug then carry the child by her arms, to their house, while comfort the child so he didn' cry a lot. And then the scene move back forward to the where it was actually happening. Looking her son tortured to death then carried so much weight till he fall, she run toward him, weeeping...

I don't know why.... my eyes are wet everytime watching this one scene, and yet I've already watch it three times.... Somehow that one part of the movie move my feelings a lot... Somewhat I remember whether I've been in that situation? (literally of course...)... and then I just cannot remember time event in my childhood, where I fall then my mom run towards me with that worries in her face...( the one thing, I remember was everytime I fall, yes she came to me with that "anger" in her face, then scold me, then give a loooong lecture why I shouldn't play and run on the street...well,... every person, especially a mother has certain way to show her child how much she loved him... and my mom... is just my mom...:D).

I don't know why I so moved, I mean I know my mom loves me, and I love her too but really that scene is something for me. I mean I watch how the main character tortured...I'm cool, watch him being crusified.... I'm still cool. Blood, wounded, gross and any pictures like that, I'm OK...I'm cool (i even already watched something worse than those...yet I'm like a rock...well, a little bit "euuhhhh..." sound though...:P). I don't know why I touched, is it because I'm pity him? the mother? or what? Is it because I'm touched how his mother loved him? Or I remember all my mistakes and all ignorance I made to my mom? I really don't know... I just know my eyes are wet...

Well, call me sissy if you want, call me mommy boy if you want and call me a gay (? What the hell is it have to do with this anyway?), I don't care. You can call me what ever you want and I still don't care at all. Mom I'm sorry for all mistakes I made, love you.

Like this phrase said, "...Heaven is under your mother feet..." so every happiness of a child lies within their mother. This is what I'm wanted, this is what I'm trying to accomplish now. and may Allah help me... amen.

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