Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Full Circle

This is my comment after I watch Star Wars episode 3. Now I know what, how and why event in the movie happening. It was so simple and the characters development was also so slow. Bad movie for you who never been seen early episodes before. The only reason why I watch it simply because my adoration to old Star Wars movie, episode 4, 5 and 6, and also, of course, best effects and fighting style.

This episode was telling the birth of Lord Vader, how young Anakin transform from the light side to the dark side. His love over his wife, blinding his sense to make any judgment. There is no difference between lies and truths, therefore the only truth accepted was only from his side. One qoute which printed in my mind was, "...attachment to a thing leads you to negative feelings, such as greed, jealousy, anger and hatred..."

In my mind at that time flashing back to a moment in my life where I experienced those kind of feelings, old one and new one. Somewhat it all make sense but there is one question comes in my mind, "how can you not attach your self to everything to this world and yet you living in it?". A tricky question, and I'll think about it's answer later on, when I'm wiser than now.

Anyway, this movies also make me thinking about the beggining of a story, the process and the end of it. In life, I learned that there can be a lot of combination can happened, but I believe that it is depends on ourself who create the story of our life, and I really wanted to have "everything good in every section" story of my life. and I really hope I'm able to complete the circle in a good manners, like that movie.

Sorry if today story don't make any sense to you...

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