Monday, August 21, 2006

a New Message

God is really trying to mock me around, cause he kept sending me message like the first message frim Him I learned, through death of people around me. Yup, He is the one who know me inside out when I even don't recognize who I really am. Sometimes I even wonder whether I have to thanked Him or cursed Him for troubles He was gotten me into. But somehow when I realized I'm that I learned a greater good from those event I thank Him and feel glad that I'm still thinking this way.

But today I learned His messages through other means. When I saw my tiny 2 months old cousin and got a chance to teasing him around I feel something different. I don't know was it call as paternal instinct or not, but he was the first babies who yawning every time I play with. Well mostly children and babies were scared with me with I don't know what reason. So when it happens I just felt strange...

After that event everything flashes back in my head, from the death message or another kind of message which probably I missed. Ugh... really it suck (in a good way...) for someway, everytime I think of it, I often felt God really see my life as a sitcom series with He (offcourse...) as its director. Is my life a curse? :P

haha! life is a journey. it has its own mysterious corners and phases.. sometimes we're cursed, sometimes we're blessed. give it time, cursed can turn into blessing and vice versa. aint this journey a ball? :))

babies has the sharpest radar for care. ur cousin might just be an anomaly to share the same wavelength with you in being comfortable... or, you've probably developed your parental secured zone of care in handling babies and toddlers.
so which one wud u take it for? hehehe...
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